published on 10/12/2007 14:49

Do you need advice and support? Then take a seat. Our approach to legal consulting begins with your story. Listening, in our view, is the basis of understanding. Your queries are much too important to be handled in passing. In our office you will find an open door and a ready listener. You can count on us to handle your case with discretion as well as expertise.
Versed in the law
If you are in the right you shall have your rights. We are constantly improving our legal skills. We use the relevant literature and the experience that you provide us. People from a variety of professions have sat where you are sitting. Using the experience we gain by advising you and others, we are in a position to develop solutions tailored for each and every branch of the law. It goes without saying that every lawyer in our firm has a profound knowledge of two or more specific fields of law. However, we are diligent in learning from each other when improving our skills. We share our knowledge and thus become expert at solving more and more complex problems. The legal problems of everyday life rarely fit conveniently into specific fields of law. We too seek legal advice when a problem involves the special field of a colleague in our team. An inside look at our clients' businesses also helps us gain the professional skills that we use daily in everyday practice. We willingly share this fund of knowledge with you, our client, just as we pass it on to one another in lectures and articles.
Speaking the law
The law is a winding road but legal terms are sometimes even more convoluted. "Now what does that mean?" is one of the most common questions asked in lawyers' chambers and before court. When even the comprehension of a native speaker reaches its limits, what is to become of the foreign visitor, the immigrant, all those who are neither acquainted with German Law nor with its language? As we find it crucial that you understand, we strive for improved communication. In our firm plain language will not only be used in German, but also in Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, Italian, Polish, Portugese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian. Some of our colleagues are bilingual and have a background in two legal systems. Thus, they are ready to provide competent support in a multinational setting.
Law around the clock our 24 hours service
From now on you only wish to speak through your attorney? Go ahead then; you can reach us at any time. For very urgent cases, we have installed a 24 hour service. If time is not that pressing, you can also reach us from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Phone ++ 49-30-278740 30
Fax ++ 49-30-278740 59
Email [email protected]
We are service oriented so also ready to answer your questions online. For some issues, however, a personal discussion in our office might be more efficient. No matter which way you choose, you can be assured of a prompt response.
Those seeking legal support should not be burdened with undue costs. That is the way we see it. We believe that while every service has its price, that price must be one we can both live with. Naturally, we apply the rules of the German code to lawyers' bills (RVG).
Consulting contracts
In order to be on the safe side businesses with constant need for legal advice contract with us on a permanent basis. Follow their example and take advantage of agreed services under full control of the costs.
Contract drafting
Amateurishly drafted or insufficiently checked contracts can have severe consequences. We recommend that you avoid the risks of unforeseen legal disputes by fixing the terms and clearing up possible misunderstandings while you are still talking with the other party. Consulting a lawyer at the right time can be much more rewarding than a legal skirmish when damage has already occurred.
Collection and demand management
We promote the enforcement of your demands. With the early support of a lawyer you avoid time-consuming proceedings. Involving a lawyer can make the world of difference when payments are delayed. We are willing to handle your collection procedures, even if they need mass processing. We can provide online solutions expressly for that purpose.
Of course, the service for our clients includes legal representation before court and before court of appeal.
Tax consulting
The work of lawyers and tax advisors often intersects, so we have our own tax advisor on the premises to avoid any delays that this might cause. You can take advantage of this cooperation. Tax issues you have to take into account when undertaking a new business, giving up an old one or reorganising your affairs can be settled in one-stop shopping.
Contact Thomas M. Preisner or Edmund Rowan, Attorney at Law if you wish to discuss your query in English.
Bierbach, Streifler & Partner
Oranienburger Straße 69
10117 Berlin
Telefon 030-278740 30
Telefax 030-278740 59
e-Mail: [email protected]
facebook: www.bsp.ra.de/facebook
google+: www.bsp.ra.de/googleplus
youtube: www.bsp.ra.de/youtube
twitter: www.bsp.ra.de/twitter
vCard BSP Rechtsanwälte
Oranienburger Straße 69
10117 Berlin
Telefon 030-278740 30
Telefax 030-278740 59
e-Mail: [email protected]

vCard BSP Rechtsanwälte
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1 Gesetze
{{count_recursive}} Gesetze werden in diesem Text zitiert
Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz - RVG